Dyslexia often shows up as issues with reading, understanding, spelling or writing text.
People can also struggle to understand verbal instructions, and focus on and finish their work.
Deep understanding and empathy for how dyslexic learners think
Healing of past educational trauma for yourself and/or your child or learner
Powerful, practical tools to be calm and focussed when learning
Tools to master basic words that frustrate dyslexic learners the most
Advanced tools to master and retain subject-specific glossary words
Powerful picture-based reading methods for vivid comprehension and recall.
Tools & Strategies to use straight away with your child or learners
Can also be done by parents before their child starts a
Davis 1:1 facilitated programme,
to give the best support
Either way “Why Ty” is very useful.
and Rachel Barwell #MasterDyslexia
“Why Tyrannosaurus
But Not If?’
Designed by
Richard Whitehead
Davis Dyslexia Association Director UK and Europe
"Thank you for bringing so
much to the surface."
"Kind and a vast plethora of knowledge from both presenters."
Founder and Director, Growing Choices
Licensed Davis Dyslexia Facilitator
• Masters Applied Linguistics
• Dip. Teaching (Primary)
Kia Ora Koutou and Hello to All!
I am an educator and literacy advocate. I work in strength-based ways with children and adults with whānau/family working alongside. I firmly believe that a large part of being happy is knowing we do have potential to grow our own strengths. The Davis methods facilitate this!
In my 40+ years of education, I only realised my own dyslexia once I started using the Davis focusing tools and strategies myself while training to help others. I had finally found a way to resolve my own dyslexic confusions. Such a relief!!! I could then appreciate that my creativity & big-picture thinking, empathy & sense of social justice were natural talents that showed up as part of the gift of my dyslexia.
For my clients, results have been transformational: that word is not used lightly. I am always delighted to work with the Ron Davis approach. I facilitate programmes for individuals and groups in schools, tertiary institutes, workplaces and organisations anywhere in the world.
Founder and Director, Master Dyslexia
• Licensed Davis Dyslexia Facilitator
• PGDipEd (Adult Literacy and Numeracy)
• Dip Adult Ed & Training
Kia Ora Koutou and Hello Everyone!
I help young people and adults with dyslexia and related conditions develop mastery with their amazing brains.
In my 30 years in adult and youth education, I met highly intelligent and motivated learners with clever neurodiverse brains who often struggled with reading, spelling, writing, comprehension, focus or maths. At the heart of each of these struggles was dyslexia or a related condition.
I have been on my own journey with dyspraxia (the 'clumsy' version of dyslexia) and ADHD, and have seen many people benefit greatly from the Davis methods.
It is my privilege and joy to work with neurodiverse people to master the various challenges their brains present, and to succeed and thrive in school, study, work and life.
Six 2-hour weekly sessions
Engage interactively as a group and in breakout rooms
Learn what to do to step-by-step
After each session, try out the strategies and focus tools straight away for best outcomes and success
Resources included: manual and clay